Annual EU budgets shall comply with the multiannual financial framework laid down in a unanimously adopted Council Regulation with a consent of the European Parliament. The financial framework sets the maximum amount of commitment appropriations in the EU budget each year for broad policy areas ("headings") and fixes an overall annual ceiling on payment and commitment appropriations.
This section contains documents on the financial framework for 2014-2020
- A Budget For Europe 2020 - Part I - Communication
- A Budget For Europe 2020 - Part II - Policy Fiches - Communication
- A Budget for Europe 2020 - Staff Working Paper
- Proposal for an Interinstitutional Agreement
- Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION laying down the MFF
- Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the system of own resources
- Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION laying down implementing measures for the system of own resources
- Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION on the methods and procedure for making available the traditional and GNI-based own resources and on the measures to meet cash requirements
- Staff Working Paper Commission report on the operation of the own resources system
- The added value of the EU budget – Staff working paper