MiCroregiONS and associations of municipalities in Topoľčany district

Microregion SOTDUM


PhDr. Imrich Hermann, the chairman

Farská 288/6, 956 21Jacovce

Tel.: 038 / 530 10 82  Email:oujacovce@bestnet.sk


the membership municipalities:

Tesáre, Velušovce, Jacovce, Nemčice, Prašice, Tvrdomestice, Nemečky, Závada, Podhradie, Kuzmice, Topoľčany


The association of municipalities of Topoľčiansko-duchonský mikroregión was founded of initiative of several mayors, the Agency for development of rurality in Nitra, U.S. PEACE CORPS, which saw chance how to develop in actual zložitej economic situation their municipality. Topoľčiansko-duchonský microregion is situated in the northern part of Topoľčany district. It includes municipalities Jacovce, Nemečky, Prašice, Podhradie, Tesáre, Tvrdomestice, Velušovce, Závada and Topoľčany city. Microregion takes out the northwest part of Topoľčany district with strong conditions for the development of agriculture and rural tourism. The municipalities of microregion are rozprestierajú na ploche 11 176 ha, it means 18,8 % of areas of Topoľčany district, Topoľčany city has got area of 3 577 ha. The nature center of microregion is Nitrianska pahorkatina, into which in the west interxens Považský Inovec. In microregion is situated some few water areas, of witch especially water reservoir Duchonka is the center of summer tourism and water sports. [SOTDUM, 1997]



The association of microregion BEBRAVA


Mária Švecová, the chairwoman

Rajčany 129, 956 32 Rajčany

Tel.: 038 / 530 03 36  Email: ocu.rajcany@stonline.sk


the membership municipalities:

Krušovce, Rajčany, Horné Chlebany, Solčianky, Norovce


The association of microregion BEBRAVA was founded in 2001 according interest of physical and corporation entities za účelom vzájomnej pomoci pri zabezpečovaní of development of territory of municipalities Krušovce, Horné Chlebany, Rajčany, Norovce and Solčianky. The chairman of association is the mayoress of Rajčany municipality – p. Mária Švecová. Microregion BEBRAVA sa rozprestiera na rozlohe 3181 ha. It belongs to Nitra self-government in Topoľčany district. Osou of the region is the primary road I/64. Since its beginning the association of microregion BEBRAVA realises culture-social activities: football tournament, exposition of easter works, also actively participates into programmes of development. [Združenie mikroregiónu Bebrava, 2004]


The association of Microregion ZÁPADNÝ TRIBEČ


Ing. Jaroslav Kačina, the chairman

956 19 Krnča

Tel.: 038 / 5302229  Email: ocukrnca@stonline.sk

the membership municipalities:

Súlovce, Oponice, Kovarce, Čeľadince, Nitrianska Streda, Solčany, Krnča, Práznovce


The association of microregion Západný Tribeč was founded in 2000 basically of interest of physical entities and corporate entities for purpose of mutual cooperation pri zabezpečovaní of development of Súlovce, Oponice, Kovarce, Čeľadince, Nitrianska Streda, Solčany, Krnča and Práznovce municipalities. The chairman of association is the mayor of Krnča – Ing. Jaroslav Kačina. Microregion Západný Tribeč belongs to Nitra-Self government in Topoľčany district. In this microregion lives 9009 inhabitants. In the microregion is situated several conservation areas, e. g. národná prírodná rezervácia Hrdovická (k.ú. Nitrianska Streda a Čeľadince), Kovarská hôrka (k.ú. Kovarce), Solčiansky háj (k.ú. Solčany), Hrašková (k.ú. Oponice). Touristical interesting is Tribeč with a lot of hiking trails.


The association of microregion SVORNOSŤ


Darina Gerhátová, the chairwoman

Mlynská 326/3, 955 01 Chrabrany

Tel.: 038 / 5313 056  Email: svornost@stonline.sk

the membership municipalities:

Koniarovce, Hrušovany, Preseľany, Belince, Kamanová, Dvorany nad Nitrou, Ludanice, Horné Obdokovce, Chrabrany


Združenie mikroregiónu Svornosť je združenie fyzických a právnických osôb na území 8 obcí, zaregistrované na MV SR - máj/1999. It was founded Vzniklo za účelom vzájomnej pomoci pri zabezpečovaní rozvoja územia obcí Koniarovce, Hrušovany, Preseľany, Belince, Kamanová, Dvorany nad Nitrou, Ludanice a Chrabrany. Cieľom združenia je podieľať sa na zabezpečovaní a koordinovaní vzájomnej súčinnosti obcí, podnikateľských a iných právnických a fyzických osôb, zameranej na rozvoj mikroregiónu v oblasti technickej infraštruktúry, výroby, dopravy, environment, nature conservation and natural resources, agriculture, hiking, health service, educational system, culture etc. It belongs to Nitra-Self government in Topoľčany district. Total area of the region is 5.300 ha with 7.627 inhabitants. The territory of region tvorí prevažne rovina, cez ktorú vedie main road I/64 and the railway, which interconnects Topoľčany and Nitra towns. The region is crushingly poľnohospodársky, na pahorkatine sa darí of cultivation of wine grape. It is vytvorené rybárske revíry from the dead river channel of Nitra river, which are used to sport fishing in this region. It is situated two progressing agriculture companies in Ludanice and Preseľany municipalities, which are among other things zamerané to production of milk and breeding of porkers. [Source: https://www.svornost.szm.sk]


Mikroregión POD MARHÁTOM


Mgr. Michal Toman, the chairman

Nitrianska Blatnica 6

Tel.: 038/ 539 91 14   Email: ocunblatnica@wircom.sk

the membership municipalities:

Ardanovce, Blesovce, Biskupová, Bojná, Hajná Nová Ves, Horné Štitáre, Krtovce, Lipovník, Lužany, Malé Ripňany, Nitrianska Blatnica, Orešany, Radošina, Svrbice, Šalgovce, Urmince, Veľké Dvorany, Veľké Ripňany, Vozokany, Ducové, Hubina


This microregion  was founded the 17th May 2004 as an organisation associating 19 municipalities of Topoľčany district. Microregion tvorí territory about the size of 20.022 ha, which is settled together of 13.245 inhabitants. The chairman of microregion is Mr. Jozef Kucharovič. He is at the same time statutory body. Microregion was founded behalf of common actions associated municipalities and coordination activities of development of territory and tourism of the region and its particular parts. It is especially after common action at presenting projects to drawings  of finances of European union, which provides within development funds. It includes especially field of infrastructure, tourism, health service, social services and total economic and culture development of region. Common projects of associated municipalities, which impact lays a finger on few thousands of citizens has chance to succeed at acgusition grants of European union and state budget. [Source: Mikroregión pod Marhátom – information brochure]


RZMO Tribečsko – Inoveckého regiónu


Ing. Jozef Vančo, the chairman

Bojná 201

Tel.: 038/ 537 31 87  Email: ocu@bojna.sk

the membership municipalities:

Ardanovce, Belince, Biskupová, Blesovce, Bojná, Čeľadince, Čermany, Dvorany nad Nitrou, Hajná Nová Ves, Horné Chlebany, Horné Obdokovce, Horné Štitáre, Hrušovany, Chrabrany, Jacovce, Kamanová, Koniarovce, Kovarce, Krnča, Krtovce, Krušovce, Kuzmice, Lipovník, Ludanice, Lužany, Malé Ripňany, Nemečky, Nemčice, Nitrianska Blatnica, Nitrianska Streda, Norovce, Oponice, Orešany, Podhradie, Prašice, Práznovce, Preseľany, Radošina, Rajčany, Solčany, Solčianky, Súlovce, Svrbice, Šalgovce, Tesáre, Topoľčany, Tovarníky, Tvrdomestice, Urmince, Veľké Dvorany, Veľké Ripňany, Velušovce, Vozokany, Závada


The interest associaton of Horné Obdokovce, Horné Štitáre, Čermany municipalities


the membership municipalities:

Horné Obdokovce, Horné Štitáre, Čermany